Le Ciel Foundation is a registered charity n° 1181658

“The experience of the material in its entirety is nothing short of wondrous in terms of how the individuals, groups, and topics come together. Bravo!

The experience of knowing and not knowing all at once is proving a tonic to me, and I love it! Thank you.”


The Holistic Visions mission is to manifest in this reality the blueprint the Council of Twelve and Above had co-created and sent to the Universe during their ritual in 2017.

Holistic Visions is all about looking at the world’s most significant issues holistically, acknowledging they cannot be addressed in a siloed way, and letting innovative holistic solutions emerge from this approach.

Every year, Holistic Visions brings together 144 thought leaders, creatives and subject matter experts from over 40 countries, who together, are addressing the fundamental tenets of a more balanced and ecologically-minded society. All of this within a spiritual framework created in collaboration between the Le Ciel team and many Elders, including those from the Council of Twelve and Above.

Organized around 13 topics, Holsitic Visions’ mission is to set in motion holistic solutions that bring about a more conscious world.

This mission is founded on an understanding that :

The issues Humanity is facing are deeply interconnected.

Global change cannot be achieved through individual actions alone, and that it is crucial for collective actions, collective intelligence and collective empowerment to be restored.

The solutions that will trigger a global paradigm shift need to be purpose-driven and integrate a set of values and principles founded on primordial wisdom, our connection to Nature and our true nature.


Holistic Visions is all about looking at the world’s most significant issues holistically, acknowledging they cannot be addressed in a siloed way, and letting innovative holistic solutions emerge from this approach.

So we brought together 12 groups of 12 participants each around 12 key issues and created a spiritual and energetic container and a 3-day symposium to explore the interconnectivity of all things and facilitate the emergence of new approaches and solutions.

After two years of fantastic community moments and two symposia, we made an honest assessment of where we were at with completing the Holistic Visions global mission. We realised that we had built an ecosystem with some strong ties and great potential but that we weren’t making sufficient progress towards holistic proposals that would profoundly impact the world.

Looking at how the Le Ciel team had achieved what it had with so few resources, we realised that a key to our success was how we operated as a team.

Since its creation in 2016, the Le Ciel team has been developing its methodology to achieve group coherence and operate in flow as a single organism. 

This methodology was developed with the help of Primordial Wisdom and the teachings of the Bwiti spiritual heritage, in which the team has been initiated and have been studying for more than 15 years.

Our method addresses the individual and the group at the same time, and has taught us to get out of the way and vibrate all together in harmony, allowing the group to let itself be led by guidance and synchronicities, fully trusting the Universe.

We understood that learning how to shift from the I to the We would highly benefit the Holistic Visions community.

This is why, in 2021, we created a training program that offers a new way of co-creating founded on harmony and global coherence, using primordial wisdom and tailor-made techniques.


During this training, we individually and collectively learn how to access, receive and integrate, new levels of information that would lead us to genuine, holistic and multi-generational solutions, for our world’s most significant issues.

The program has been designed to allow every participant to clear personal limitations and blockages, and acquire a deep understanding of themselves, so that they can be the best version of themselves. Thus enabling the group to vibrate in complete coherence, as a single cell, to know its purpose, mission and direction. Providing the opportunity for all the groups to vibrate in harmony as a single organism, creating a community that can tap into collective intelligence together and receive and act upon collective directions.

The very first edition of the Holistic Visions Training Program began in February 2021. We met physically after 9 months of training for our 3rd symposium, to embark all together on the 3 last lunar phases; a time to access and start implementing holistic solutions.


To begin with, deep personal transformation in the lives of many participants. For others, connection to a close community that continues to learn from and grow with one another. A sense of purpose, connection, community, collaboration and an opportunity for personal growth that continues to draw people back to Holistic Visions, some after years of participation in this mission.

But also a 60-page document co-created together, that lays out guiding principles in the fields of education, the built environment, health, our relationship to nature, community and family, ecology, transportation, energy, the economy, work and governance. These principles lay the foundations for a society based on the notion of ‘good living’: living a life that benefits ourselves, others, and life on Earth for 7 generations to come.

2021 Holistic Visions Training Program graduates continued to work together long after the program to prepare an official launch to share this work publicly and develop further projects on the back of this framework.

Click to access the vision

With Holistic Visions and its program, we aim to complete many objectives
  • To let people who want to do good align their intention with what needs to be done.
  • To enable Participants to go from a state of intention and goodwill to taking the necessary steps to achieve their goals, leading them to success.
  • To implement a new set of values and principles within participants’ ways of thinking, conceiving, creating and even dreaming up a new world.
  • To help participants understand the virtues of leaving behind the ‘I’ to create the ‘We’.
  • To enable participants to strike a balance between being and doing.
  • To lead people into such a space that they’re able to co-create solutions designed to bring about a more conscious world.
  • To create a community that brings hope to the world, gathering well-intentioned, influential and dedicated people.
  • To create a community of people that is strong enough that it can support the emergence of any conscious initiative.
  • To create a real sense of community and belonging through a collaborative journey around building solutions together, to find a way of creating a more harmonious world by pulling up our sleeves.
  • To allow more and more people wired for this new way of living- spreading the values of co-creation and togetherness, creating a movement of hope and harmony.
  • To develop new co-creational tools that give access to successful, sustainable and regenerative holistic solutions.
  • To create templates for organisations and individuals everywhere and new models for society. 


    This 2023 revised edition of the training program is based on the feedback we received, our experiences, and the conclusions we drew from the program’s first iteration.

    New content, formats, exercices for an enhanced experience and stronger community. 

    If you would like to join the Holistic Visions community and follow our training program, please register your interest using the link. 

    It is at least a year long commitment so please register only if you feel called and are available.

    Your name will be added to the list of potential participants for future cohorts.

    Please note that we look at all nominations in guidance to see if it is right for each person to participate in the training program both for the success of the Holistic Visions mission, as well as for them personally as they may have something else more important to do at the time.

    What are the benefits of the program?
    • Access to a one-of-a-kind, deeply transformational training program and daily educational content or integration.
    • Understand and clear your different layers of conditioning to access your essence, purpose, and mission.
    • Clear your lineage from ancestral patterns and blockages to benefit you and your descendants.
    • Acquire methodologies and a skill set that you’ll be able to apply in your daily life to co-create in a new way.
    • Be a member of a strong, loving, innovative, grounded and spiritual community of change.
    • Form deep and rich life-long relationships with like-minded people.
    • Be a pioneer in new ways to co-create and interact with others.
    • Receive Mind Dives and meditations designed specifically for the program by the Le Ciel team.
    • Be invited to the physical Holistic Visions Symposium.

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